Somehow it’s the middle of January. Seriously I just cannot keep track of time anymore. And that’s part of my intention for this year; let go of being ruled by time. I know it’s kind of impossible to do completely and still keep a business running but what I mean is letting go of my attachment to time. These days it’s just days and moments. And I try to focus more on the moments within the day. I was inspired to start a project for the year where everyday I film a quick clip naming something I am grateful for that day. It’s amazing how even on the not so good days there are so many little things that I am grateful for. And starting my day with that intention sets the tone for me to notice precious things I might otherwise have let go by unnoticed. I would like to invite you to join me and celebrate your own 365 days. You can start anytime and now is as good as any!

I started down this journey when I saw a post by Dr. Christiane Northrup on her Facebook page about how she was video clipping something everyday that she was grateful for. That spoke to me and I decided in that instant that I wanted to do it too! This is the site where you can find more information about the whole 365 Grateful project.

What Is Gratitude?

The dictionary definition is, “the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness.” I think that sums it up quite nicely, don’t you? Imagine how your days could shift and your relationships could change coming from this place of gratitude.

How It Has Shifted My World

What I’ve come to notice since doing it is that I start out my day looking for all the things I am grateful for. Not only is that an awesome way to go through the day, for me it seems to keep me more focused on the present moments which I sometimes have a hard time with. My tendency had mostly been to be more in the future than the present then wonder why I’m totally surprised and blindsided by the present. I do a much better job of it these days and this project has really kicked that in for me.

I am grateful for this project; it keeps me connected to my life as it unfolds moment by moment. It’s been a challenging few years and though I am always able to find the beauty of any moment I have decided now it’s time to focus more and more on the magic and miracles that happen every day. Savour those and embrace them. Wrap them around me in an embrace. I am amazed at how it has shifted something inside me, as if a different light bulb is on; literally the colours I see the world in are brighter, more dynamic. I feel much calmer and grounded, more connected, more aware. And that’s only 17 days in! Excited and curious to see what the rest of the 348 will bring. This piece of gratitude fits in as part of step 10 of my 10 Step Blueprint to living vibrantly every day.  You can learn more about my blueprint, in my book “Live Vibrantly! 10 Steps To Maintain Youthfulness, Increase Energy and Restore Your Health“. To find out more go here.


So again, I invite you to join me on this journey of 365 days of gratitude. Try it even for 30 days and see what happens! Get your whole family involved, including the kids. Do a family video clip at the end of each day of what each of you is grateful for. What have you got to lose? Imagine what you could gain!

All you need is to either journal, take a photograph or video clip each day of something you are grateful for within that day. Create a special album to put your photos or videos in; this can be old school hard-copy or digital. 5 minutes a day could change your life, your family’s life in ways you’ve never imagined. Please do share with me your thoughts and experiences in the comments below; I would love to hear from you.

Live Vibrantly!

ps. Curious to know more about how to make the best choices to support yourself to live life as your fullest self? Then I invite you to check out my book, “Live Vibrantly! 10 Steps to Maintain Youthfulness, Increase Energy and Restore Your Health”. Go here for more information and how to get your free bonuses.