In past blogs I’ve talked about habits, rituals and practices. When I made a major move earlier this year many of my past habits and rituals felt like they didn’t work in my new environment. It’s been a process discovering through trial and error what works in all settings and knowing that I needed to create something more flexible. Hence these 5 habits to transform your mornings and life were born.

I had gone back to the habit of using my smartphone as my alarm and upon waking laying in bed checking my emails and looking at social media. That distracted me from the rest of my practices and had me starting the day quite scattered. Is that you? I find many of the individuals I coach start their day with devices too. Does it matter? Could starting the day with smartphones, TV and other electronic gadgets affect your anxiety levels throughout the day? Your stress levels throughout the day? What have you noticed?

Upon Waking

In some Native American traditions sleep is a sacred time where one of our “souls” leaves the body during sleep and trances. Whether you believe that or not upon waking you are in a vulnerable state of being. You’ve just been in a place of unconsciousness and dreams. A different reality. After waking it takes a few minutes to connect with the present and be planted in this current reality. How you choose to ease yourself back into your current reality does set the tone for the rest of your day.


Ultimately you get to choose how you wake to the day. On one hand you could grab your cell phone or tablet, start scrolling through emails, texts, social media, news, whatever it is you do on your device. But what is that doing to your body and mind? What signal are you giving yourself?

Ponder this for a moment; when this option is your choice your mind and body (and soul) are being exposed to stimulating blue light and EMFs (electromagnetic fields). You might be responding emotionally to something you read; an image that stays with you, a tragic news headline, an email or text response that leaves you feeling frustrated or upset. All of this is taking you outside of yourself before you are even fully back in yourself, speeding up your heart rate and breath. You are sending the message to yourself that things outside of yourself are more important than you are. This state of stimulation and increased underlying anxiety are how you are greeting the day and setting the tone for how you will move through it.

On the other hand, if you have to use your phone as your alarm (which I do not recommend; good old fashioned non electric clocks are really cool!) then as soon as it goes off, turn the alarm off and set your phone down. Resist the urge to look at it! Then you might choose to keep your eyes closed for few moments, say good morning to yourself; take a couple of deep breaths, move around a little bit notice how your body feels, where is it a bit stiff, maybe sore. Be present with yourself in the moment. Then open your eyes, get out of bed and move into your day. This calm state of being is what you can keep coming back to throughout the day as your anchor.

Which one of these scenarios is the one you would wish for yourself? Which one is your current practice? Below is a list of 5 Practices that can help start your day off in a state of calmness and being fully present in your body thereby helping you to stay in that state of “being” rather than “doing and reacting” as you proceed through your day. I invite you to experiment; practice these five things for five days and see if you notice a difference. These are based on things I have found to be most helpful for me as well as the individuals I coach.

Five Habits

  1. Practice mindfulness; ease yourself into your day. As cited in the alternative option above greet yourself and the new day by returning to the present mindfully. Turn your alarm off (or hit snooze), take five minutes to take three full inhales and exhales. Move your body and limbs around, notice how every part of you feels. Smile to yourself and say “Good morning” (and/or whatever other words of gratitude might arise for you). Feel the air around you, is it warmer or cooler? Become fully present in your body and the moment. Now open your eyes and you are ready to rise.
  2. Splash your face with cooler water and pat dry. Not ice cold, just a little bit cooler to remind you you are awake. Smile at yourself in the mirror; no criticizing allowed here. Don’t start running off in your brain everything you need to do for the day; not yet, stay present. How does that cool water feel on your skin?
  3. Look outside;open a window or step outside if you can. Take a couple of deep breaths, fill yourself with light. Reconnect with the earth, with the light. Smile. Stay present to the moment and how it feels.
  4. Drink a glass of filtered water.You can also add tea or a cup of warm bone broth here. Hydrate your body and remind your body it is awake and ready for nourishment. Can you feel the water moving through your body?
  5. Take 10 – 20 minutes to stretch and move your body. Whether you practice yoga, pilates or other methods or just dance around; move. If you noticed any aches or pains when you practiced #1 pay close attention to those and listen to what they have to say. Be present. How do you feel? How is your body moving today? Honor yourself and where ever you are at. Smile into your heart and say “I love you”. This may feel a little strange at first if you are not used to doing this and I promise you, you will get used to it!

You can switch numbers 4 and 5 around to suit your needs but keep numbers 1 to 3 in their order for best results. Now you are ready to move into your day with ease and grace. And you have a place to keep coming back to in your body and mind as you move through the day and things start to come at you.

As an added bonus to yourself, upon going to bed at the end of day use practice number 1; take the five minutes to unwind once you lay down, notice how your body feels, focus on something you are grateful for and give thanks. And say “thank you, I love you” to yourself, your body. Your sleep will be that much more restorative.

Do you dare to take this challenge? Do you dare to go outside your usual routines and try something new? Five days, five practices; they could transform your life. The choice is yours; what do you choose? Please do leave your comments below and share your experience; I would love to hear from you!

Live Vibrantly!

ps. In my book, “Live Vibrantly! 10 Steps to Maintain Youthfulness, Increase Energy and Restore Your Health” I go deeper and into more detail about lifestyle practices and how to get the most from the foods you eat to support you to have more energy and feel amazing. Get your copy and your bonuses here!