Cultured Foods – Why Eat Them? Plus Cultured Mayonnaise Recipe

So what’s the big deal with fermented or cultured foods? Why are they important? Does the culturing process matter? As talk of fermented foods becomes [...]

MCTs For Enhanced Athletic Performance

One of my readers asked for tips to nutritionally enhance performance and endurance for athletic activity so I thought I’d address that today through a [...]

Chocolate Coconut Bliss “Candy”

Energizing And Anti-inflammatory; how I would describe this recipe. Many of my friends and coaching clients have asked for this recipe recently so I thought [...]

Back To Basics 101 – Bone Broth Demystified

Earlier in the week, we broke down what water kefir was, how to get started with it and the many things you can do with it. [...]

Back To Basics 101 – What Is Water Kefir?

While giving my presentation, “Live Vibrantly! 5 Steps To Maintain Youthfulness, Increase Energy and Restore Your Health”, last week I noticed the strange look on my [...]